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3 traditional Irish celebrations and their outfits

If there is anything you should know about the Irish, know that they are generally happy people who love to have a good time. With many cherished festivals in Ireland, there is always a reason to celebrate–in the right outfit, of course. Irrespective of the occasion, green is one colour you can spot on all the festival clothes Ireland has. From St. Patrick’s Day celebrations to the TradFest, and Bloomsday festival, green is a must-wear.

3 Traditional Irish Celebratory Outfits

Three major traditional occasions are celebrated in Ireland, and in some cases, globally. The first and most popular of these events is St. Patrick’s day. This day is spent honouring a Roman slave sent to Ireland that brought Christianity to the island nation. To fit into any St. Patrick’s day crowd, simply wear a shamrock design outfit or accessory and a touch of green.

Other notable celebrations include St. Stephens day and Bloomsday. The ideal outfit for St. Stephen’s day is the mummers or wren boy outfit, which consists of raggedy clothes and a straw hat covering a large portion of the body. On this day, mummers go from door to door with fake wrens, singing, playing music and dancing. Bloomsday, a celebration of James Joyce’s book, Ulysses, is another well celebrated Irish occasion. Vintage outfits are worn on this day. Women wear broad-billed hats, long dresses and ankle-length boots, while men put on bowler hats and vintage suits.

How to fit into any Irish celebration

If you are attending any of the traditional Irish celebrations listed above and, for some reason, do not have the required outfit, here’s a tip. All you need to do is find a green accessory that can occupy a prominent position on your outfit, and you are good to go. A nice green pocket square, brooch or earring is all you need to fit into any of these occasions.